
Student Work

In grade 4, students learned vocabulary to describe an imaginary school. Here are a few pictures of some student work. In grade 5, students learned how to describe rooms and items in a house. Here is an example of a students dream house.  Students in grade 6 learned how to describe places in their community.Additionally, students learned how to describe the province of Alberta by learning about the animals, the flag, cities and natural regions in French.

Happy Summer!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer break! Below I have attached some links of some of the materials learned and songs we have listened to throughout the year. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in the fall and learning together. les jours de la semaine  ( the days of the week) les mois de l'année  ( the months of the year) Bonjour! C'est l'Halloween! Dans mon école   ( in my school) les parties du corps  ( Body parts) les animaux  ( animals) Le Festival du Voyageur Ma communauté  ( My community) Bonne été! Ms. MacLeod

Food, Objects in the Classroom and Family!

The grade 4s and 5s have just finished up our unit on objects that can be found in the classroom. Students were first introduced to new vocabulary, which they practiced through various games and activities over a few weeks. For their final assessment, students created a “Dans mon sac à dos,” project. For this task, they were asked to write out a list and draw objects that they could put in their backpack. They then chose 5 objects and wrote complete sentences to describe what they had put in their backpacks. Finally, students presented their work tand did an amazing job practicing their French oral skills. Students were allowed to pick one silly item to place in their backpack as well, as it further demonstrated their understanding of the new vocabulary ( ex : chair, teacher desk, door). We had a good laugh!     Examples of sentences:   J’ai un crayon dans mon sac à dos.   ( I have a pencil in my backpack).   J’ai un stylo dans mon sac à dos. ( I have a pen in my backpack).